Friday, June 23, 2017

7 Ways Technology Can Assist With Language Learning and Teaching: Unit 7

Google alerts brought me to a great article about how technology can help language learners and teachers. It covered seven very interesting ways to incorporate technology into your ELL classroom.

Use of social media: It is clear that social media has many benefits when it comes to using technology. However, it can be quite difficult to appropriate include it in your classes. The challenge is keeping your students within the appropriate boundaries of educational use and safe from online predators. The article does discuss the ability to cross "language frontiers" because the users can communicate with people around the world and in any language. The translation tool is really helpful when practicing your language skills.
Video recording: Many mobile devices have the ability to easily record and play back with the click of a button. This tech tool is great for students who would like to record themselves individually or in a small group conversation and watch it back to understand their strengths and areas where they have room to grow. These videos can be saved and shared with the class or teacher for further discussion.
Audio-video features: This tip supports the prior one. The audio-video features on any technology devices help learners and teachers playback, pause, slow down or speed up the recordings. Students can use these features to continue practicing their speaking and pronunciation. Teachers can use them to note and make corrections. 

Online tools:
Communication resources such as e-mail or video chats provide students and teachers a space to communicate in different formats. Using e-mail allows for practice with writing skills while video chats help with speaking.

Online/digital dictionaries: This online tool allows students to look up the meaning of words. One free apps like Merriam-Webster, students can also hear the pronunciation of the words and play word games to help them master the vocabulary.

Language apps: Many language apps provide free classes or forums to practice with other people. Rosetta Stone, for example, provides "live" conversations with a language coach. 

iPad: The iPad provides a variety of helpful features for language learners and teachers. Adding apps makes it even more helpful in the ELL classroom. Easy to use tools such as online exercises, camera video features, whiteboard/digital workspace, music players, and podcast will motivate students and enhance learning to create more meaningful lessons. Meaningful lessons translate into increase comprehension and mastery of language skills. 

1 comment:

  1. I find it hard to integrate social media into a classroom because first, the firewall system and network restricts access to social media in our school. Secondly, I am interested in exploring how social media can play a roll in the classroom beyond using it as a subject, for instance proper use and safety of online social media use.
